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How Long Is The HESI A2 Exam

The HESI A2 exam can be as long as 4.5 hours to complete if all test sections are required. The test consists of 8 subject sections and a personality profile and learning style section. 

However most schools do not require all 9 sections on the test so check with your school to clarify which sections they require before registering to take the HESI A2. 

The HESI A2 exam requires students  to complete several subject tests, including Anatomy & Physiology, Basic Math Skills, Biology, Chemistry, Grammar, Physics, Reading Comprehension, and Vocabulary & General Knowledge. Each of these sections has a specific time allotment and number of questions.

Each section of the exam can have a designated time limit. However this does depend on each school, some schools allow you to complete all sections in a certain time frame while other schools use a specific time limit for each individual section.

For instance, the Anatomy & Physiology section typically allows 25 minutes for 25 questions, while the math section provides 50 minutes for 50 questions.

Practicing for the HESI A2 with timed HESI A2 practice tests is really important to sharpen your time management skills for each section.

When you are on your last section of the test it’s likely your brain will be tired so you want to make sure you are working on your endurance as you study for the test.

HESI A2 Subject Sections

Duration Of The HESI A2 Nursing Exam

As we discussed above answering how long is the HESI A2 exam the test can be between 4-5 hours depending on what sections your school requires. 

While the overall time of the test might be extensive, it just comes with the territory of you being able to demonstrate your knowledge and skills in each of the subject sections of the test. 

You should plan your study schedule accordingly to build up the endurance it takes to withstand long testing conditions. 

On one hand studying for short periods of time but more frequently is a very effective technique to help you retain the information.

However you don’t want to make it so short that it’s less than an hour. While you don’t need to study for 6 or 8 hours necessarily you should work towards slightly longer sessions between 2-3 hours.

The best way to get comfortable with the duration of the test is to take simulated timed HESI A2 practice tests. Smart Edition Nursing offers a timed free HESI A2 practice test that offers a score report for each section of the test that breaks down each question by the topic it relates to. 

Once you have an individual score for each subtopic it becomes much easier to identify your weakest subjects which you can use to guide how you spend your study time. 

Oftentimes students will find they were not able to complete all the questions in the given time limit, the danger there is that any unanswered questions will count against you so you definitely don’t want to do that. Take as many timed practice tests as you can until you are able to complete all the questions in the given time frame.

Number Of Tests Required

The HESI A2 exam consists of 9 subject-specific tests, each tailored to evaluate a student’s proficiency in essential areas relevant to the academic work you will encounter in nursing school. 

These subjects include Anatomy and Physiology, Basic Math Skills, Biology, Chemistry, Grammar, Physics, Reading Comprehension, Vocabulary, and General Knowledge. 

As we mentioned not all schools require every section so clarify which sections are required by your school. You should also check with your school for any minimum required scores both for the overall score and for any specific subject sections. Sometimes schools will have a specific required score for math or science sections that you need in order to submit your application.

Here is an example of what you should be confirming with your school, this is the nursing program admissions page from Pensacola State College that outlines their HESI A2 requirements including which test sections are required. 

Total Number Of Questions

HESI A2 number of questions per section

The HESI A2 exam comprises a total of 150 to 200 questions, with the exact number varying based on what sections your school requires. 

Each subject area contains a different number of questions, typically ranging from 25 to 50 questions per section. 

The difference in how many questions there are per section is generally based on how many subtopics are covered within a section.

For example, the math section may have more questions due to the complexity of the subject matter, while other sections like chemistry might have fewer. 

Understanding the total number of questions and how they are distributed can help students prioritize their study efforts and develop a targeted preparation strategy.

Subject Section Breakdown

Anatomy & Physiology

  • Number of Questions: 30 questions
  • This section assesses knowledge of the human body’s structure and function, which is crucial for nursing practice.

Math Skills

  • Number of Questions: 55 questions
  • Candidates must demonstrate proficiency in fundamental mathematical concepts, essential for medication calculations.


  • Number of Questions: 30 questions
  • This test evaluates understanding of biological principles and processes, foundational for nursing.


  • Number of Questions: 30 questions
  • The chemistry section tests knowledge of basic chemical principles relevant to healthcare.


  • Number of Questions: 50 questions
  • Proper grammar is vital for effective communication in nursing.


  • Number of Questions: 25 questions
  • This section covers fundamental physics concepts applicable in medical settings.

Reading Comprehension

  • Number of Questions: 50 questions
  • Effective reading skills are essential for understanding medical texts and instructions.

Vocabulary & General Knowledge

  • Number of Questions: 50 questions
  • This section assesses a candidate’s familiarity with medical terminology and general knowledge.
HESI A2 Subjects infographic 1
HESI A2 Subjects infographic 2


The HESI A2 is a very long exam and will require you to practice under simulated timed conditions which you can do with this free HESI A2 practice test.

Given its importance, it’s essential to approach the exam with proper preparation and confidence. Part of gaining confidence is learning how to score high on the HESI A2 exam

Now that we have answered how long is the HESI A2 exam don’t leave your future to chance—enroll in our HESI A2 online course today and take the first step toward achieving your nursing goals!

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