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Paragraph Comprehension ASVAB Practice Test

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The ASVAB paragraph comprehension questions test your ability to read, understand, and interpret written material. This section of the ASVAB is important because when you are in the military it’s common to be given detailed instructions or procedures to follow so being able to read and comprehend the information provided to you is key to doing well in your position in the military.

How many paragraph comprehension questions are on the ASVAB?

Depending on which format of the ASVAB you are taking, the number of questions and time allocated will vary.

For the computerized version of the ASVAB, you will have 11 questions to answer within 22 minutes. If you take the paper and pencil version of the ASVAB, you will have 15 questions to answer within 13 minutes.

How do you answer paragraph comprehension questions?

To do well in this section, you want to follow these asvab tips for paragraph comprehension.

First, make sure you understand what the question is asking you. Read the question carefully and underline any keywords that will help you answer the question. For example, determine the author’s main point in the paragraphs if a question asks you about the passage’s main idea. In this case, it’s important not to confuse the main idea with supportive details or topic sentences. Look at the passage as a whole and determine the main idea.

Typically, test takers are presented with a passage that is 8-9 paragraphs long. While time is ticking, you have time to carefully read and evaluate the passage, questions, and answer selections. Being rushed to complete the questions can lead to quickly choosing an incorrect answer.

Additional tips for answering these types of questions correctly include:

  • Understand the differences between the main idea, a topic sentence, and supportive details.
  • Remove any sort of bias from your evaluation. You need to answer questions based on the text explicitly represented.
  • Always select the “most accurate” answer of them all, not the “partially” accurate answer. Reviewing the answer choices is just as important as the question. Make sure all the information in your answer selection matches the information in the text.

What is the best way to prepare for the ASVAB paragraph comprehension portion?

The best way to prepare for this section of the ASVAB is to practice doing paragraph comprehension exercises. Since it is impossible to know what passages will be presented to you on test day, it’s important to practice reading short and long passages and answering questions about them.

For example, by actively reading more each day, you can evaluate what you have read yourself by summarizing the information for your understanding or teaching the material to someone else.

Another example of active practice would be to take ASVAB paragraph comprehension practice tests regularly. These practice tests will be timed and provide similar passages and question formats you will encounter on the test. You’ll want to work on getting faster in this section so you don’t end up with unanswered questions because you ran out of time.

There are several different sections on the ASVAB test to obtain a broad understanding of your skills and knowledge before entering the military. If you struggle with language, you may want to take a look at a Word Knowledge Practice Test. 

If mechanical aptitude is challenging for you, get prepared with our Mechanical Comprehension Practice Test

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