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Word Knowledge ASVAB Practice Test

General Science ASVAB practice test

If you want more practice tests and all the resources to PASS the ASVAB check out the Online Course

If you want the best chance at passing the ASVAB then the Smart Edition ASVAB course will provide all the material and resources you need to succeed on the test.

What is word knowledge?

Word knowledge is one of the 10 sections on the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB). The ASVAB is a multiple-choice test, administered by the United States Military Entrance Processing Command, the test is used to determine qualification for enlistment in the United States armed forces. The word knowledge section evaluates a test taker’s knowledge of vocabulary and comprehension. Questions will focus on prefixes, suffixes, root words, context clues, multiple meaning words, synonyms, antonyms, and analogies.

How do I study for word knowledge on the ASVAB?

The first thing to do before starting to study for the word knowledge section of the ASVAB is to take a ASVAB word knowledge practice test online. You want to take a practice test first for a few reasons.

  1. You want to see how you do on this section without any studying to create a baseline.
  2. You want to take a realistic ASVAB practice test that is timed and has the same format as the ASVAB.
  3. You want to determine your weaknesses within these topics so you can narrow your focus on what to study.

For example, after taking your ASVAB word knowledge practice test online you notice you are getting all of the questions on multiple meaning words incorrect, but you’re getting all of the other questions correct. What you can take away from this is that you will need to create a study plan that focuses on practicing more multiple meaning word questions and spending time focusing on this topic using an online course with flashcards, question banks, and educational videos. Smart Edition Academy’s ASVAB online course has you covered with all the material and resources you need to be fully prepared for the test.

By incorporating a few study sessions on this topic each week for a few weeks, you can then retake an ASVAB word knowledge practice test to evaluate how you have improved since your first practice test. What you should see is that your score has improved on your weak topic areas. Once you see improvements in your score you can then move on to focus on another topic or section you need to improve in.

How important is word knowledge on ASVAB?

Your word knowledge score is important for your overall ASVAB score, however it depends on what you are looking to do in the military. For example If you are looking to become an officer, then your word knowledge score will be one of the factors that is considered during the selection process. However, if you are just looking to enlist as a regular member of the military, then your word knowledge score may not be as important.

In general, a good score on the Word Knowledge test will show that you have strong reading and comprehension skills. This is important for all members of the military, as they need to be able to understand complex written orders and manuals.

How many word knowledge questions are on the ASVAB?

There are a total of 16 word knowledge questions on the ASVAB. There is a time limit of 8 minutes to complete this section if taken on a computer. If taken manually, the section will be consist of 35 questions in 11 minutes.

The only guaranteed way to pass the ASVAB is to study and answer practice questions as often as you can. Take advantage of resources available to you like free practice testsonline courses, and study guide books. Join Facebook groups, talk to your recruiter, and connect with other students who have already take the test.

The most common mistake test takers make when preparing for any test is to randomly begin studying and over-consuming information without a plan or organization. This can lead to brain fatigue and a sense of being overwhelmed and lost. What ends up happening is you end up wasting hours of studying by making this mistake without any beneficial results on test day.

To avoid this, take an ASVAB practice test and evaluate your results. Review each section’s diagnostic results and determine what topics within each area you need to focus on. By narrowing your focus, you’re able to study efficiently towards boosting your overall score.

While it is possible to prepare for the ASVAB within a few weeks, this really depends on you. Not every test taker has the same background or level of understanding. Give yourself an adequate amount of time to prepare for the test. There is no such thing as starting to prepare and study too early for a test that not only determines your eligibility, but also your career path.

Lastly, since not all test takers are the same, it’s important to mention a key factor in passing the ASVAB is what you use to study with. Now a days, printed books and handmade flashcards are no longer the only option. Think about how you learn best and find resources that align with your learning style.

How do I pass the ASVAB?

How do you break down word knowledge?

First, identify the words that you don’t know. These are the words that you will need to focus on breaking down. Second, break the words down into smaller parts. For example, if you don’t know the word “antidisestablishmentarianism,” break it down into smaller parts: “anti,” “dis,” “establish,” and “ment.” Third, try to understand the meaning of each part of the word. Once you understand the meaning of each part, put them all together to form a definition of the word as a whole.

How long is the word knowledge ASVAB?

The word knowledge section consists of 16 questions and test takers will have 8 minutes to complete the computer version of the test and 11 minutes will be allocated to test takers taking the test manually using a paper test.

There are several different sections on the ASVAB test to obtain a broad understanding of your skills and knowledge before entering the military. In addition to word knowledge, make sure to review Paragraph Comprehension and take the ASVAB practice tests online. If you need to brush up on math skills before taking the test, check out the ASVAB arithmetic reasoning practice test to reduce study time.

If you want more practice tests and all the resources to PASS the ASVAB check out the Online Course

If you want the best chance at passing the ASVAB then the Smart Edition ASVAB course will provide all the material and resources you need to succeed on the test.

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