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Free TEAS Practice Test

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☑️ Study Planner Template 

☑️ TEAS 7 Admission Checklist

☑️ Study Checklist for Reading, Math, Science, & ELU

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How To Use The Free ATI TEAS Practice Test

On this page you’ll get access to a free TEAS practice test here and learn why timed practice tests are important to your study plan to build stamina and endurance, reduce anxiety, and help identify your strengths and weakness.

We’ll also cover how to use the practice TEAS test so you know when to take it, how to set up your environment and timing and how to learn from the results.

Lastly we will review what you should do next after completing your free TEAS test practice which includes making a study schedule focusing on your weak areas and using a few study methods to help you actually retain all the information you are learning. Sound good? Let’s get started.

Take The Most Realistic TEAS Test Practice

What Are The Free TEAS Practice Test Good For?

What is the ATI TEAS test and how the heck am I supposed to know all this material to get my required score?!? Good question, fear not, we’re here to help you! 

One of the most effective learning techniques and test taking strategies is to use practice tests before taking the actual test. 

It’s important to know that practice tests are good for practice but not so much learning, you won’t learn how to solve math equations that you don’t know how to solve by taking the practice test and you can’t work on finding the main idea of a passage without learning how to do that first.

Practice tests are good for timing, stamina, and working under pressure. So just be sure to balance the learning of the material with practicing test questions. 

If you have weak areas you need to spend more of your time on getting better at those topics, not just taking practice tests. 

Not all practice tests on the internet are created equally and especially not a free TEAS 7 practice test, most free ATI TEAS practice tests aren’t created specifically for the TEAS 7 exam, instead the questions are repurposed from a question bank to be roughly similar but chances are it won’t be very close. 

Most are not timed either nor do they have the same question count for each topic. To get you started you can take the Smart Edition Nursing practice TEAS test here.

Not all TEAS practice tests are made the same!

Our free TEAS 7 practice test is designed to be the most realistic TEAS test practice, while also helping you identify what to focus on as you begin studying.

Timed Practice Test
Timed and Realistic

Many students in our TEAS 7 study group find the time limits on each test section anxiety-inducing. To help, our TEAS free practice practice test is timed to match the real exam, offering the same number of questions and time allotment for the most realistic experience. Practicing with these TEAS test practice questions that are  timed will help you gauge your pacing, allowing you to identify if you need to speed up or slow down in certain sections. 

Realistic TEAS Test Practice Questions 

Our TEAS test practice questions are written to be aligned and realistic. The questions will cover the same topics covered on the ATI TEAS 7 and will be structured in the same way. 

Additionally, our TEAS practice test replicates the distribution of questions across various topics within each section, providing you with the most authentic and effective practice experience possible.

Practice Test Score Report
Scored Diagnostic Report

The best way to get your TEAS 7 score up is to not focus on your accumulated score at the end of each section, but to be reviewing the detailed diagnostic report at the end of each test section. 

Our free ATI TEAS practice test offers a comprehensive breakdown of the 10-20 topics covered on each test section, giving you a clear understanding of your performance in each area. Each topic in the scored report is linked to interactive learning modules in the TEAS 7 prep course, including videos, flashcards, and additional question banks. This targeted approach allows you to concentrate on your weaker areas, making your study sessions more efficient and less overwhelming.

This detailed diagnostic report is an essential tool for anyone serious about improving their TEAS 7 score. It provides a clear starting point by identifying which subjects and topics to prioritize, helping you to develop an effective study plan and strategy. With this focused approach, boosting your overall TEAS 7 score becomes faster and more achievable.

TEAS Practice Test study planner
Free Bonus Materials

When you sign up for our free TEAS practice test, you're getting so much more including:

  • Mobile app access using the same username and password 
  • TEAS 7 Study planner and admissions checklist 
  • TEAS 7 Cheatsheets 

Video Explanations

Every practice question in the TEAS 7 practice test includes detailed written and video answer explanations that not only clarify why the answer is correct or incorrect but also review keywords and key concepts and analyze the question’s tricky aspects. This helps you understand what to watch for in similar questions.

Even if you only have a few minutes, you can make the most of your study time with our video explanations. These videos don’t just explain the answers; they walk you through the question step by step.

This combination of detailed written and video explanations ensures you truly learn from each question, rather than just getting a right or wrong answer. 

ATI TEAS Test Prep

There are a couple reasons why TEAS test practice should be an essential part of your study plan. 

When you’re dealing with timed tests like the ATI TEAS one of the biggest mental hurdles is becoming comfortable with the timing and the total duration of the test. 

In addition to that it’s one of the best ways to identify your strengths and weaknesses. Among other benefits you will be able to:

  • Build stamina and endurance
  • Practice being timed
  • Identify your strengths and weaknesses
There are a lot of helpful tips we can share, Nurse Melissa founder of Smart Edition Nursing partnered with Nurse.org on this article outlining the top 11 TEAS test prep tips.

TEAS 7 Practice Test - Build Stamina and Endurance

The ATI TEAS 7 is a long test at more than 3.5 hours, no two ways about it, you need the mental stamina and endurance to operate at peak performance from start to finish…or you won’t finish all the questions at all, time is your enemy on this one. 

I’ve seen it time and time again, students say their brain hurt after the test, they got to the last section and were out of gas, might as well have packed it up and gone home. Don’t be that student. 

This test is like running a marathon. Would you attempt to run a 26.2 mile marathon without training and building up your endurance and stamina? That’s a rhetorical question, of course you wouldn’t..duh. 

So this test is the same, you need to practice taking the individual sections in the allotted time. 

Just like training for that marathon, you can start with one section like TEAS English, then try doing 2 sections back to back, then 3 and then practice sitting for all 4 sections at one time. 

Doing the full TEAS practice test one time might not be enough, you’ll want to do this several times as you get closer to your test date to really build that endurance. 

This is why Smart Edition Academy ATI TEAS 7 online course includes 8 timed practice tests, you really will need this many tests to build your endurance.

Download the
SE Nursing TEAS 7 Mobile App

Take our free TEAS practice test on our mobile app

• Free Full Length Timed Practice Test

• Video Explanations

• Detailed Score Reports

ATI TEAS 7 Practice Test - Practicing Being Timed

If you don’t have some type of anxiety about the test then congratulations, for the rest of us the TEAS exam can be very stressful and create a lot of anxiety. 

One of the biggest drivers of anxiety is the fact that the test is timed. If you can become more comfortable working within the time constraints a lot of your anxiety will melt away. 

When you are taking the practice test you can start to get more comfortable with being “under the gun” and having that pressure on you. 

Here is how the timing breaks out for each subject area of the TEAS test. 

You need to take notes, something like a journal as you are working through your first couple of timed tests. You want to identify and fix any issues related to time. 

You can also take note of questions that you have a hard time with and slow you down, questions that you take a long time to answer, these are the questions that will have you running out of time and left with unanswered and unscored questions. 

The scored report in the Smart Edition Nursing TEAS free practice test will actually break down each question you answered and how long you took to answer each question as you can see below making it really easy to use actual data to help you fix the issues.

Detailed practice test score report

You might find issues with math equations like not knowing the correct order of operations, creating an equation from a word problem quickly, or you might get tripped up on long TEAS reading passages which are a key type of question on the test that you need to become better at answering faster. 

Repetition is key to becoming faster in each test section, completing practice tests over and over again will help you achieve this. This page goes over the details of the TEAS time limits for each section of the test.

Getting The Most From A Free ATI TEAS Practice Test

When To Take A Free Practice TEAS Test

There is some strategy involved for when to use practice tests to study for the TEAS 7 exam. 

You’ll want to spread your free online TEAS practice test out a little and use them at just the right times to first create a baseline for yourself, and then to measure your progress and improvement as you continue to study.

The first thing you should do when you begin to prepare for the ATI TEAS exam is to take a diagnostic practice test. 

By diagnostic we mean your first practice test, it just means that you are taking it before studying to try and diagnose just like a doctor would for a patient, what are your pain points, what are your weakest topics, where are you struggling the most? 

Once you diagnose yourself and find the issues, you can start to fix those issues. It gives you a baseline for knowing where you’re starting from and how well you would do on the test if you had to take it today. 

After taking time to review your weak areas you can begin to think about retaking a practice test. 

Try to space out your practice TEAS test questions to maybe once per week depending on how much time you have, but you don’t want to take 2-3 practice tests within a 2-3 day period. 

For this reason you will ideally have a practice test bank like the one that is included in the Smart Edition Nursing TEAS test prep course.

The TEAS practice test bank is a set of 20-30 questions just on one specific topic like the cardiovascular system. 

For instance, you can drill down on just that topic and work through those TEAS practice questions without having to sit through a whole TEAS science section timed practice test. 

With each practice test attempt you should start to see a higher score and start to see those specific weak areas improve. 

Continue this process until you have worked through your weak areas and are getting higher scores. 

Your TEAS practice test scores can also help you determine when you might want to schedule your test if you have not done so already. 

After several TEAS practice tests you should start to feel comfortable that you are ready for the test. 

It’s generally recommended to avoid taking practice tests very close to your test date, you might consider not taking a test the last 2-3 days before your test.


TEAS Free Practice Test - Test Environment and Timing

As we’ve said taking an ATI TEAS practice test is about simulating the real TEAS test and it’s also important to simulate the actual test environment you will be in on test day. 

You want to be at a table or desk and sitting in a chair just like you would for the real TEAS exam. 

It’s tempting to have music playing or the tv in the background and do it from your bed or a coffee shop or the places you usually study. 

You might be comfortable with the normal chaos in your house, but try to simulate that quiet environment you will experience on your test day. 

Dress like you would dress on test day, eat the same breakfast as test day, and if your test is already scheduled for a day and time, take the practice test on the same day and the same time as what you’re scheduled for. 

You get the idea, you want to sort of have a routine for that test day and you want to simulate that routine each time you take the test. 

Your goal here is to control yourself and everything in your environment to be as close to the real TEAS test experience as possible. 


TEAS Free Practice Test- Learn From The Results: Find Weakness

Your online TEAS practice test is an opportunity for you to learn and identify several things. 

We already talked about taking notes on where you got tripped up in relation to the time constraints, but you also want to learn about your strengths and weaknesses so you can pinpoint the areas that if improved will raise your score the fastest.

Any good practice test will provide you with a scored report, the report below is from the Smart Edition Nursing ATI TEAS practice test

You can see that within the TEAS science subject practice test, each question is tagged for the topic it covers, you can see the areas that need improvement which are your weaknesses and this information is invaluable to you.

Free TEAS Practice Test Score Report

What To Do Next

Once you have taken your free TEAS practice test you are ready to start studying those weak areas. 

You should look for some high quality study resources from reputable companies and get to work. Smart Edition Nursing has you covered with our TEAS online course.


Make a TEAS Study Plan

Having a good TEAS study plan is really important to doing well on the test and improving your scores. 

There is a science to creating a TEAS study schedule, the video above takes a deep dive into creating an effective ATI TEAS study schedule. 

The most effective study strategies are two methods, the first is active recall and the second is spaced repetition which are explained in detail in the video above.

With active recall you want to make sure after you study the material, that you go back and actively use your brain to recall the information you just learned. 

You can do this by writing notes in your own words with the course or book closed so you force yourself to remember everything, then see what you missed. 

Doing some TEAS practice questions immediately after studying or using flashcards are good options as well. 

Spaced repetition means that you should be spreading out when you study a specific weak area, so instead of just studying the topic one time, you want to study it on Monday, again on Wednesday, then the following Wednesday and do that repetition over a few weeks, this helps you to retain the information more. 

TEAS Practice Test - Now Retest

Once you have studied your weak areas more and feel like you have improved by using things like a question bank then you are ready to retake a free TEAS practice test and you should start to see your scores improve. 

After retesting you should be able to further refine your strengths and weaknesses and continue this process until you are getting the required scores you need for your program. 

See what our students say

about the ATI TEAS 7 online course


We expect you to have lots of questions before making the right decision to trust SE Nursing to prepare you for the TEAS 7. If you have a question you don’t see answered below send us an email or a chat and we’ll help answer it for you.

What is the TEAS test?
What is the TEAS test?

The TEAS test is an entrance exam designed to measure the basic academic skills and preparedness of pre-nursing and health science students before entering nursing and other health science programs. 

This page goes into further detail explaining what the TEAS test is.

What is on the TEAS 7 exam?
The ATI TEAS 7 has four test sections: Reading, Math, Science, and English Language Usage.

On the TEAS 7 exam, you will be assessed on concepts spanning your entire education as well as your college prerequisite courses. 

On the reading section, you will be evaluated on key ideas and details, craft and structure, and the integration of knowledge and ideas. Check out our in-depth review of the TEAS 7 reading section content, study tips, and types of questions you might encounter.

On the math section, you will encounter questions on data analysis, conversions, algebra, and various numerical topics such as ratios, percentages, fractions, and decimals. Check out our comprehensive overview and study tips for the TEAS 7 math section,

On the science section of the TEAS 7 exam, you'll be tested on anatomy and physiology (A&P 1 and A&P 2), biology, chemistry, and scientific reasoning. Read our detailed TEAS 7 science section reviewto learn what to expect and study to pass the TEAS 7 exam.

Lastly, for the English and language usage section, you'll be tested on standard English conventions (such as parts of speech), language knowledge, and using vocabulary to express ideas in writing. This section is often overlooked, so for a detailed review of what to study and how to prepare check out our full TEAS 7 English section review. 

How to study for the TEAS test
How to study for the TEAS test

Studying for the TEAS 7 doesn't have to be stressful and overwhelming!

The best way to study for the TEAS 7 exam is, to begin with a free TEAS practice test, review the diagnostic report that tells you what you need to study for each section, and give yourself ample time to study the efficient way using reliable TEAS 7 study resources.

  • Avoid cramming—our TEAS 7 study plans, mobile app, and online course allow you to study your weaknesses effectively in under an hour. 
  • Don't focus on memorizing questions! 
  • Avoid using too many resources or non-credible sources. Using too many resources can make wasting time and studying the wrong materials easy. 

This question requires more explanation than we can include in this FAQ so check out the full article on how to study for the TEAS test.

I'm overwhelmed! Where do I start?
Prepping for the TEAS 7 starts with a test and a plan!

The best place to start is with a free TEAS practice test. When you sign up to take our free TEAS practice test, you will get a detailed scored report for each exam section that will tell you exactly what to study. 

You want to start with a practice test first because it will give you a baseline of where you are now and how far away you are from your desired score. The diagnostic report will allow you to get clear on what you need to study and review from within each subject. You can then download your free TEAS 7 study planner and map out your study sessions. 

What Is A Passing TEAS Score?
What Is A Passing TEAS Score

The TEAS test is not a pass or fail exam and every school’s passing score is different which can vary from anywhere between 50%-90%. 

Many programs will have a minimum passing score that you will need to achieve in order to be considered, schools will typically select applicants with the highest scores among other application factors like prerequisite courses, GPA, and any relevant experience you may have. 

This page goes over everything you need to know about what a passing TEAS score is.

How Long Is The TEAS Test?
How Long Is The TEAS

The TEAS test is 209 minutes long and consists of 170 questions which covers 4 subject areas which are reading, math, science and English language usage. 

In relation to other standardized tests the TEAS test is very long at almost 3.5 hours.

There is a lot to know in preparing for a test as long as the TEAS test, this article goes over everything you need to know about how long the TEAS test is

Can I retake the TEAS 7?
Yes - but check with your school first!

Every school has different criteria for retaking the ATI TEAS 7. It's best to find out the retaking policy before you take the exam for the first time so you can plan accordingly if you need to retake it. 

There is a mandatory 14-day waiting period per ATI for retaking the TEAS 7. In our TEAS 7 study group, students have shared that some programs do not allow retakes, or their program only allows one retake after a 30-day waiting period. Retakes vary from program to program, so speak to your admissions department for the best answer. 

Is the TEAS 7 exam timed? How many questions are on the TEAS 7?
You will have 209 minutes to answer

The TEAS 7 exam is timed, with specific durations for each section: 55 minutes for reading, 57 minutes for math, 60 minutes for science, and 37 minutes for English and language usage. 

The test comprises 170 questions, with 20 being unscored. You won't know which questions are unscored during or after the test. The sections break down as follows: reading (45 questions), math (38 questions), science (50 questions), and English (37 questions).
Is it better to take the test in person or remotely?
It depends on your preferences, but most students like taking the test remotely.

Check out this separate post about taking the TEAS test online from home. Opting for remote testing from the comfort of home presents several advantages. Being in a familiar environment can significantly alleviate test anxiety, while using personal devices enhances comfort and familiarity. However, there are drawbacks to consider. Remote proctoring requires students to undergo live room scans and ID verifications, which can feel intrusive. Technical glitches occasionally arise, potentially leading to test rescheduling, although ATI provides support in such instances. ATI will send out emails with instructions on how to complete an unscored dry run in the days leading up to your exam to make sure your system is set up for success. Scores are typically available immediately post-test. 

Taking the test in person offers distinct benefits. A dedicated testing environment minimizes distractions, promoting enhanced focus and concentration. Notably, immediate score availability is less common in this scenario.

I am retaking my TEAS 7, will the questions be the same?
It is very unlikely you will have the same test on any of your retakes.

There are many different versions of the ATI TEAS 7. The likelihood that you will have the same identical test on your retake attempt is very slim. You may see a handful of the same questions, but you should expect almost an entirely different test. 

The good news is that the retake tends to be easier because you've already taken the test and know what to expect. You know what the test feels like when taking it in the test environment which should eliminate some nerves. 

Will the practice test questions be on the real exam?
Similar, but different

Our TEAS practice tests are designed to be aligned and as close to the real exam as it can get! Practice test questions are meant to test your understanding of a concept which is what the TEAS 7 is all about. There are thousands of possible real test questions and many versions of the test. 

While our test questions are not identical (that would be cheating), they are designed to be very similar. 

Can I use a calculator?
You can use a calculator, just not your own!

On the TEAS 7 exam, you are allowed to use a 4-function basic calculator. The calculator should only have buttons for simple functions like adding, subtracting, dividing, and multiplying. No scientific calculators of any kind are allowed. 

An on-screen 4-function calculator will be available to you as part of your exam. You cannot bring your own calculator. 

Do I need to memorize the periodic table?
No you do not need to memorize the periodic table.

On the TEAS 7 science section, you can expect eight questions on chemistry. For more information about the TEAS 7 science section, click here. 

You should know how to read the periodic table, the characteristics of acids and bases, and how to read an element box. You do not need to memorize the periodic table. 

What conversions and formulas do I need to memorize?
On the math section of the TEAS 7, you won't be provided with formulas or conversions!

Unlike other exams you may have taken, like the SAT or ACT, a formula sheet or conversion sheet will not be provided to you. You are expected to know how to convert between the United States imperial measurements to metric measurements, such as ounces to milliliters or inches to centimeters. You can expect questions in the form of a word problem requiring you to use conversions to find the correct answer. 

Formulas you should memorize for your TEAS 7 exam include rate of change, circumference, radius, Pythagorean theorem,  area and volume of various shapes, including circles. 

Am I being scammed? Common TEAS 7 scams
Beware of TEAS 7 Scams!

Over 100,000 students take the ATI TEAS 7 exam every year, and unfortunately, a lot of students fall victim to scams! Here is how you can protect yourself from getting scammed:

- Don't pay anyone to take the test for you.
- Don't respond to private messages on Facebook or TikTok offering prep materials. Any comment on a post that says "Inbox me" is a scam.
- Don't try to buy exact questions or you will lose your money or get incorrect material. 

Are TEAS test Quizlets a good resource?
Are TEAS test Quizlets a good resource?

Quizlet is a free and paid flashcard app and website where users can create digital flashcard decks for their studying efforts.

Quizlet is a great supplemental resource to study for the TEAS test however using Quizlet to study for the TEAS test is not enough to pass the TEAS test. Flashcards are a great way to study, but at the end of the day flashcards alone are not going to be enough to pass. 

Check out this article that has everything you need to know about using a TEAS test Quizlet effectively. 


The TEAS and HESI are entrance exams required by some schools as part of the admissions process.

There are several differences between the TEAS and HESI, you can read this full explanation of the differences of HESI vs. TEAS and most importantly, TEAS vs HESI which is easiest (or hardest). 

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