TEAS 7 Study Plan

You’ve decided to take the plunge and start your journey in the healthcare industry. 

There’s a lot coming at you at once and it’s overwhelming. 

It’s a lot, we get it. So, where do you start, and how do you study for the TEAS 7 Exam? 

👉 The first place to start before studying is to know the “requirements” based on your program. Such as:

  1. Application deadlines 
  2. TEAS test score deadlines
  3. TEAS test score minimum requirements
  4. Regulations about the TEAS (for example, some programs don’t let you retake the TEAS more than twice a year. Every program is different!)
  5. Explore your options for taking the TEAS either remotely or in person 

You can also use this admissions checklist HERE.

👉 Next, you can move on to the next step in getting started: taking a free TEAS practice test. You can access your free TEAS practice test on the left-hand side of this lesson. You want to take the test first before making your study plan because the diagnostic test will tell you exactly what to study.

👉 Once you know your scores and what your program requires, you can make your study plan and start studying.

Let’s Review:

Step 1. Take a free TEAS practice test. 

Step 2. Review your diagnostic report and scores by each TEAS test section

Step 3. Identify your strengths – subjects within each topic you got a 70% or higher. Use pages 8-9 from the study planner for step 3 and 4.

Step 4. Identify your weaknesses – subjects within each topic you got a 69% or lower

Step 5. Create an effective study schedule that focuses on your “weaknesses.” The video below will go over this in detail.

Step 6: Study and practice each weak topic repeatedly for short sessions. We recommend studying a subject for 30-45 minutes 2-3 times a week. We’ll go over this in detail in the video below.

Step 7. Retake a TEAS practice test after 2-3 weeks of active studying. Use pages 10-12 from the study planner for this step.

Step 8: Repeat steps 3-7 until your test scores are where you want them to be.


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