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GED® Free Practice Test

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This free timed GED practice test covers all 5 sections of the test for writing, reading, social studies, science and math. 

After completing the test you will receive a score report that breaks down each practice question by the topic it relates to within that subject. This report is a great opportunity to identify which topics are your strengths and weaknesses. Once you identify your weak areas you can plan to focus your study time on those topics. 

Each question has a detailed step-by-step answer explanation so you can learn from each question why the answers were correct or incorrect. 

After completing a practice test you can go back at any time to review your test, at the top of the website go to “My Test Results”, where you will see your previous test attempts. Click the icon under the “statistics” column to see your detailed score report. 

Good luck, you got this! 

GED® and GED Testing Service® are registered trademarks of the American Council on Education. They may not be used or reproduced without the express written permission of ACE or GED Testing Service.
The GED® and GED Testing Service® brands are administered by GED Testing Service LLC under license from the American Council on
Education. Use of the GED trademark does not imply support or endorsement by ACE for Smart Edition Academy.

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