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A pronoun is a word that takes the place of or refers to a specific noun. This lesson will cover (1) the role of pronouns in sentences and (2) the purpose of pronouns.

Pronouns and Their Role in Sentences

pronoun takes the place of a noun or refers to a specific noun.

Subject, Object, and Possessive Pronouns

A pronoun’s role in a sentence is as subject, object, or possessive.

Subject Pronouns Object Pronouns Possessive Pronouns
I me my, mine
you you your, yours
he him his
she her her, hers
it it its
we us ours
they them their, theirs

In simple sentences, subject pronouns come before the verb, object pronouns come after the verb, and possessive pronouns show ownership.

Be Careful!

It is easy to make a mistake when you have multiple words in the role of subject or object.

Look at the pronouns in these examples:

  • She forgot her coat. (subject: she; possessive: her)
  • I lent her mine. (subject: I; object: her; possessive: mine)
  • She left it at school. (subject: she; object: it)
  • I had to go and get it the next day. (subject: I; object: it)
  • I will never lend her something of mine again! (subject: I; object: her; possessive: mine)

Correct Incorrect Why?
John and I  went out. John and me  went out. John and I  is a subject. I  is a subject pronoun; me  is not.
Johan took Sam and me  to the show. Johan took Sam and I  to the show. Sam and me  is an object. Me  is an object pronoun; I  is not.

Relative Pronouns

Relative pronouns connect a clause to a noun or pronoun.

These are some relative pronouns:

who, whom, whoever, whose, that, which

  • Steve Jobs, who  founded Apple, changed the way people use technology.

The pronoun who  introduces a clause that gives more information about Steve Jobs.

  • This is the movie that Emily told us to see.

The pronoun that  introduces a clause that gives more information about the movie.

Other Pronouns

Some other pronouns are:

this, that, what, anyone, everything, something

Did You Know?

Pronouns can sometimes refer to general or unspecified things.

Look for the pronouns in these sentences.

  • What is that?
  • There is something over there!
  • Does anyone have a pen?

Pronouns and Their Purpose

The purpose of a pronoun is to replace a noun. Note the use of the pronoun their  in the heading of this section. If we did not have pronouns, we would have to call this section Pronouns and Pronouns’ Purpose.

What Is an Antecedent?


Look out for unclear antecedents, such as in this sentence:

Take the furniture out of the room and paint it.

What needs to be painted, the furniture or the room?

A pronoun in a sentence refers to a specific noun, and this noun called the antecedent.

  • John Hancock signed the Declaration of Independence. He signed it in 1776.

The antecedent for he  is John Hancock. The antecedent for it  is the Declaration of Independence.

Find the pronouns in the following sentence. Then identify the antecedent for each pronoun.

Erin had an idea that she suggested to Antonio: “I’ll help you  with your  math homework if you  help me  with my  writing assignment.”

Pronoun Antecedent
that idea
she Erin
I Erin
you Antonio
yours Antonio’s
you Antonio
me Erin
mine Erin’s

What Is Antecedent Agreement?

A pronoun must agree in gender and number with the antecedent it refers to. For example:

  • Singular pronouns I, you, he, she, and it  replace singular nouns.
  • Plural pronouns you, we, and they  replace plural nouns.
  • Pronouns heshe, and it replace masculine, feminine, or neutral nouns.

Correct Incorrect Why?
Students should do their homework every night. A student should do their homework every night. The pronoun their  is plural, so it must refer to a plural noun such as students.
When an employee is sick, he or she should call the office. When an employee is sick, they should call the office. The pronoun they  is plural, so it must refer to a plural noun. Employee  is not a plural noun.

Let’s Review!

  • A pronoun takes the place of or refers to a noun.
  • The role of pronouns in sentences is as subject, object, or possessive.
  • A pronoun must agree in number and gender with the noun it refers to.


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