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Domain-Specific Words & Medical Terminology

People working in the medical profession must use specific terminology to be able to communicate accurately and consistently with their peers. Understanding and utilizing these domain-specific words will ensure that health care professionals can communicate in the most effective way. This lesson will cover (1) common domain-specific words in the medical industry, (2) how medical words are formed, and  (3) determining the meaning of a medical term based on their different word parts.

How Medical Words are Formed

If you look closely at medical terms, you will see that they are made up of certain root words, prefixes, and suffixes. Each of these word parts has a specific meaning. If you learn what each of these word parts mean, you will be able to define a medical term. Let’s take a look at some common root words, prefixes, and suffixes used in medical terminology:

Common Prefixes Used in Medical Terminology

  • Anti-

    • Definition: Against
    • Example: Antibiotic (against bacteria), Antiviral (against viruses)

  • Hypo-

    • Definition: Below, deficient
    • Example: Hypothyroidism (deficient thyroid function), Hypotension (low blood pressure)

  • Hyper-

    • Definition: Excessive, above
    • Example: Hyperactive (excessively active), Hypertension (high blood pressure)

  • Mono-

    • Definition: One, single
    • Example: Mononucleosis (disease with one type of nucleus), Monosaccharide (simple sugar)

  • Sub-

    • Definition: Under, below
    • Example: Subcutaneous (under the skin), Sublingual (under the tongue)

  • Trans-

    • Definition: Across, through
    • Example: Transdermal (through the skin), Transplant (moving an organ or tissue from one person to another)

  • Inter-

    • Definition: Between, among
    • Example: Interact (act between each other), Interdisciplinary (involving multiple disciplines)

Common Suffixes Used in Medical Terminology 

  • -itis

    • Definition: Inflammation
    • Example: Arthritis (inflammation of the joints), Bronchitis (inflammation of the bronchial tubes)

  • -ectomy

    • Definition: Surgical removal or excision
    • Example: Appendectomy (removal of the appendix), Mastectomy (removal of the breast)

  • -ology

    • Definition: The study of
    • Example: Cardiology (the study of the heart), Oncology (the study of cancer)

  • -osis

    • Definition: Abnormal condition or increase
    • Example: Osteoporosis (a condition of weak, brittle bones), Leukocytosis (an increase in white blood cells)

  • -pathy

    • Definition: Disease or abnormality
    • Example: Neuropathy (disease of the nerves), Myopathy (disease of muscle tissue)

  • -scopy

    • Definition: Visual examination or inspection
    • Example: Endoscopy (visual examination of internal organs), Colonoscopy (examination of the colon)

  • -algia

    • Definition: Pain
    • Example: Neuralgia (nerve pain), Arthralgia (joint pain)

Common Root Words In Medical Terminology

  • Cardio-

    • Definition: Heart
    • Example: Cardiovascular (related to the heart and blood vessels)

  • Derm-

    • Definition: Skin
    • Example: Dermatology (study and treatment of the skin)

  • Gastro-

    • Definition: Stomach
    • Example: Gastroenteritis (inflammation of the stomach and intestines)

  • Hemat-

    • Definition: Blood
    • Example: Hematology (study of blood and blood-forming tissues)

  • Neur-

    • Definition: Nerve
    • Example: Neurology (study of the nervous system)

  • Osteo-

    • Definition: Bone
    • Example: Osteoporosis (condition of weak and brittle bones)

  • Nephro-

    • Definition: Kidney
    • Example: Nephrology (study of the kidneys and their diseases)

Determining the Meaning of a Medical Word Based on its Parts

Now that you know the common root words, prefixes, and suffixes used in medical terminology, you can determine the meaning of a medical term by putting these word parts together. Let’s take a look at a few examples:

Nephralgia – The prefix “nephr” refers to the kidneys and the suffix “algia” refers to pain, so “nephralgia” means “pain of the kidneys.” 

Reproduction – The prefix “re” means “again”. It indicates the repetition of an action. The root word “produce” means to create. The suffix “-tion” denotes the action of doing something. “Reproduction” means recreating or regenerating. 

Psychopharmacology – The prefix “psycho” refers to the mind or mental processes. The root word “pharmaco” refers to drugs or medication. The suffix “-logy” refers to the study of. “Psychopharmacology” refers to the study of how medication impacts the mind or mental processes. 

Domain-Specific Words in the Medical Industry

Domain-specific words are also known as academic vocabulary. These are words that are not frequently used in informal conversation or writing. Instead, they are words that pertain to specific academic topics or areas of study. The medical industry contains many domain-specific vocabulary words that are used by professionals. Here are just a few examples of medical terms and their definitions:

Medical Term Meaning
dysentery abnormal condition of the intestines
endoscopy visual examination of the inside of the body
exoskeleton pertaining to the external skeleton
hypertension high blood pressure
hypoglycemia low blood sugar
interarticular between the joints
intravenous in a vein
neoplasm abnormal new growth of tissue
pericardium tissue surrounding the heart
postmortem after death
prenatal before birth
subcutaneous under the skin
unformed not formed

For more practice, be sure to head over to the “Practice Test Question Bank by Topic” and take the Medical Terminology Practice Tests 1, 2, and 3.

Let’s Review!

  • People in the health care fields must have knowledge of medical terminology.
  • Medical terms are made up of roots, prefixes, and suffixes, all of which have their own meanings.
  • You can decipher what a medical term means by putting together all the word parts.


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