Section I Reasoning through Language Arts- Writing Skills
Section II Reasoning through Language Arts- Reading Skills
Section III Reasoning through Language Arts- The Essay
Section IV Social Studies
Section V Science
Section VI Mathematical Reasoning
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World Geography: Human/Environment Interaction

This lesson describes how geography has affected the development of civilizations. It also examines the relationships between the environment and the development of societies.

Nationhood and Statehood

Geography is the study of where people, places, and things are located and how each of these relates to the others.

A nation is a culturally defined group that has a shared past and desires a shared future. Nationhood relates to territory and political goals. Nations can be formed based on the following characteristics:

  • Ethnicity
  • Language

  • Religion
  • Physical geography

For example, Kosovo is a nation that was created out of the former Yugoslavia by ethnic Albanians who are Muslims and compose a majority of the population.

Name Location Bordering Nations Population
Republic of Kosovo Balkan area of Europe Serbia, Macedonia, Albania, Montenegro Muslim majority Serbian minority

Language affects the formations of nations. Two examples are South Africa and Russia.

Country Location Official Language
Russia Europe and Asia 35 languages; Russian, based on the Cyrillic alphabet, is the official language
South Africa Africa 11 languages including Swahili, African dialects, and Dutch Afrikaner; Swahili is the official language.

Religion can divide a nation and lead to the creation of a new nation. For example, Northern Ireland, a Protestant nation, shares the island of Ireland with the Republic of Ireland, a Catholic country.

Physical geography affects how nations are formed and how civilizations develop. River valleys and oceans are two examples of physical geography that have affected how nations form.

Body of Water or Waters Country
Nile River valley Egypt
Indus River valley India
Yellow River and Yangtze River valley China
Amazon River Brazil
Atlantic and Pacific Oceans United States

Physical geography affected the development of classical civilizations. Examples include the Maya, Rome, Greece, China, and India.

Group Empire or Name Location Contributions
Maya Mayan Empire Central America and Mexico; modern-day Yucatan peninsula in Mexico, Guatemala, Belize Hieroglyphic writing system; concept of zero; calendar
Greeks Classical Greece Mediterranean area of Europe Philosophers; epics; poetry; drama and comedy (theater); Ionic, Doric, and Corinthian architecture; democracy
Romans Classical Rome and Roman Empire Mediterranean area of Europe Roads, aqueducts, arches; legal system
Guptas Gupta Dynasty India Advances in math, astronomy, arts, and technology
Hans Han Dynasty China Historiography; silk trade; centralized government.
Qin Qin Dynasty (first in China) China Standardized alphabetic script; Great Wall; terra cotta warriors

Statehood means being recognized as an independent state or country. Elements of statehood are

  • territory;
  • population;
  • government; and
  • political goals.

Nations can be formed because of language, geography, religion, ethnicity or a combination of these factors.

did you know?

Examples of states are Germany and Poland in Europe, Argentina and Bolivia in South America, and Michigan and Texas in the United States.


Which civilization developed because of a fertile river valley?

A. Polish

B. Peruvian

C. Egyptian

D. Canadian

The correct answer is C. The Nile River valley provided fishing and a fertile soil for the development of agriculture.


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