Punctuation is important in writing to accurately represent ideas. Without correct punctuation, the meaning of a sentence is difficult to understand. This lesson will cover (1) periods, question marks, and exclamation points, (2) commas, semicolons, and colons, and (3) apostrophes, hyphens, and quotation marks.
Terminal punctuation are used at the end of a sentence. Periods, question marks, and exclamation points are the three types of terminal punctuation.
Periods (.) mark the end of a declarative sentence, one that states a fact, or an imperative sentence, one that states a command or request). Periods can also be used in abbreviations.
Question Marks (?) signify the end of a sentence that is a question. Where, when, who, whom, what, why, and how are common words that begin question sentences.
Exclamation Points (!) indicate strong feelings, shouting, or emphasize a feeling.
Internal punctuation is used within a sentence to help keep words, phrases, and clauses in order. These punctuation marks can be used to indicate elements such as direct quotations and definitions in a sentence.
A comma (,) signifies a small break within a sentence and separates words, clauses, or ideas.
Commas are used before conjunctions that connect two independent clauses.
Commas are also used to set off an introductory phrase.
Short phrases that emphasize thoughts or emotions are enclosed by commas
Commas set off the words yes and no.
Commas set off a question tag.
Commas are used to indicate direct address.
Commas separate items in a series.
Semicolons (;) are used to connect two independent clauses without a coordinating conjunction like and or but. A semicolon creates a bond between two sentences that are related. Do not capitalize the first word after the semicolon unless it is a word that is normally capitalized.
Colons (:) introduce a list.
At the end of a sentence, colons can create emphasis of a word or phrase.
Apostrophes (’) are used to indicate possession or to create a contraction.
For plurals that are also possessive, put the apostrophe after the s.
Make contractions by combining two words.
Its and it’s do not follow the normal possessive rules. Its is possessive while it’s means it is.
Hyphens (-) are mainly used to create compound words.
Quotation Marks (“) are used when directly using another person’s words in your own writing. Commas and periods, sometimes question marks and exclamation points, are placed within quotation marks. Colons and semicolons are placed outside of the quotation marks, unless they are part of the quoted material. If quoting an entire sentence, capitalize the first word. If it is a fragment, do not capitalize the first word.
An indirect quote which paraphrases what someone else said does not need quotation marks
Quotation marks are also used for the titles of short works such as poems, articles, and chapters. They are not italicized.
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