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Free TABE Language Practice Test

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If you want more practice tests and all the resources to PASS the TABE check out the Online Course

If you want the best chance at passing the TABE then the Smart Edition TABE course will provide all the material and resources you need to succeed on the test.

Test of Adult Basic Education Language

The TABE is a standardized test that assesses your reading, math, and language arts skills.

It is used by many schools and employers as a way to gauge your skills and determine whether or not you are ready for a particular program or job or at what level you should be placed within the program or job.

The Adult Basic Education language section tests your ability to read, write, and understand English.

If you’re considering taking the TABE, you should know a few things. First, it is important to understand that the TABE is not a pass or fail situation, rather it is more about identifying your skill level for each of the subject tests. Your score on the test will give you an idea of where you stand academically and what areas you may need to work on.

What Is Covered on the TABE Language Test?

Test takers taking the TABE language test will encounter questions about language knowledge, vocabulary acquisition and usage, text types and purposes, and conventions of standard English.

For example, the TABE may test a test taker’s understanding of proper usage by asking them to correctly identify and select a proper verb tense to complete a sentence. A question on writing conventions may ask a test taker to identify the missing or incorrect punctuation in a sentence.

How is TABE Language Test Scored?

There is no passing or failing the TABE. Test takers take the TABE to determine their level and placement based on a number of questions answered correctly. The TABE test has three scores: a raw score, scale score, and grade equivalent.

The raw score is the number of questions you answered correctly on the test. The scale score compares the raw score to other test takers within the same level per subject. These scores are from 0-999. Lastly, the grade equivalent score is a numerical score between 0-12.9 which represents the K-12 grade level system. The test taker’s score gets converted into a grade equivalent for placement purposes.

How Many Questions Are On the Language Test

The TABE test has 195 questions. For the language test subsection of the TABE, test takers will have to answer 55 questions in 55 minutes. Unlike a traditional test, there is no passing or failing the TABE. The TABE is simply used to place test takers into corresponding levels for their adult education program.

Take a realistic TABE practice test to understand better what type of questions you may see on the TABE.  This TABE language practice test will give you a sense of what the questions are like and how they are asked, and the practice test will give you a diagnostic report at the end of the test.

Did you know? Only approved calculators are allowed on the test if you’re taking the TABE Math portion in person. If you need help with math, be sure to take a Math practice test so you know what to study.

TABE Online Course

If you want the best chance for scoring high then the Smart Edition TABE course will provide all the material and resources you need to succeed on the test.

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