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Nursing Entrance Exam Practice Test

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How To Use The Free Kaplan Nursing Entrance Exam Practice Test

Practice tests are one of the best tools you have to prepare for the exam. Follow these steps to get the most of this free practice test so you can pass and get accepted to your schools program.

1. Begin your studying with a practice test to create a benchmark

2. Use the scored report to pinpoint your weakest topics

3. Create a study plan focusing on your weak topics

4. Study with the SE Nursing online course

5. Take another practice test and measure your improvement

Take The Most Realistic Kaplan Nursing Entrance Exam Practice Test

Taking a Kaplan Entrance Exam Practice Test is the first step!

Our free Kaplan Entrance Exam practice test is designed to help you start studying and on your way to passing your Kaplan entrance exam.

Practice Question Example
Realistic Practice Questions

Our Kaplan Nursing Entrance Exam practice tests are designed to simulate the real exam experience so you're fully prepared on test day. Our practice test questions are written to be similar to the real Kaplan Nursing Entrance Exam. 

In addition, our tests are designed to mirror the real test. Our practice test includes the same material, same time allotment, and same ratio of questions so you're prepared and know what to expect on test day. Taking a free practice test is the first step! 

Timed Practice Test
Timed Test

The Kaplan Nursing Entrance Exam is a 91-question exam and each section of the exam is timed. The science section is allotted 30 minutes, and the math, writing, and reading sections are allotted 45 minutes each.

The best way to prepare for a test that is timed to reduce test anxiety and to feel comfortable with the allotted time is to take practice tests that mimic the test time frame and number of questions. It does not get more realistic than that!

By taking our free timed Kaplan Nursing Practice Test, you will see exactly how well you do within the allotted time so you can learn if you're rushing and can take more time to evaluate a question or if you need to practice the concepts more so you can pick up the pace on the real exam.  

Practice Test Score Report
Scored Diagnostic Report

At the end of each test section, you will receive a diagnostic scored report that will itemize your score on each topic within that section. 

Reviewing your scored report is the road map to your study plan. Once you're clear on what topics you need to study from each test section, you can begin to study the correct material to get your score up. Each topic within each section correlates to a interactive lesson, video, flashcards, and practice questions within the Kaplan Online Course so you know exactly what to study. 

Video Explanations

Take Kaplan practice question as an opportunity to learn and review for the test! Even if you only have 5 minutes, you can study! Each of our Kaplan Nursing practice questions includes a written and video explanation so you can review the practice question in detail with a teacher.

Learn why the correct answer is correct, why the other answers are incorrect, review keywords and key concepts from the question, and more!

The video explanations are accessible within the online course from the app or internet browser. 

Download the
SE Nursing Mobile App

Take our free Kaplan Nursing Entrance Exam practice test on our mobile app questions like every other app.

• Free Full Length Timed Practice Test

• Video Explanations

• Detailed Score Reports

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about the Kaplan Nursing Entrance Exam online course

Frequently Asked Questions about the Kaplan Nursing Entrance Exam

Learn everything you need to know about the Kaplan Nursing Entrance Exam. If you don’t see your question answered below, send us a chat message! 

Kaplan Nursing Admissions Test vs. Kaplan Nursing Entrance Exam, is it the same?
Yes, all of the names are interchangable and refer to the same entrance exam.

Kaplan Nursing Test, Kaplan Nursing Admissions Test, and Kaplan Nursing Entrance Exam all refer to the same exact test. Regardless of what your program calls it, the format and subject matter are the same. 

What is on the Kaplan Nursing Entrance Exam?
There are four sections on the Kaplan Nursing Entrance Exam.

The Kaplan Nursing Entrance Exam consists of 91 questions in math, reading, writing, and science. Most schools administer it as a timed test, and students have 2-2.5 hours to complete all four sections.  

The math section will test a student's ability to solve mathematical equations that require one-step or two-step algebra, conversions, proportions, ratios, percentages, fractions, and decimals, and setting up an equation from a word problem. 

The reading section will test students on their reading comprehension skills, focusing on skills such as evaluating the author's purpose, identifying the main idea or topic sentence, credible sources, types of passages, and making inferences or drawing conclusions from the text. 

The writing section will ask students to answer questions about the writing process, writing mechanics, and writing logic to develop an idea or paragraph. 

The science section will test your understanding of the concepts from A&P 1 and A&P 2 and some biology questions. There is no chemistry or scientific reasoning on the Kaplan Nursing Entrance Exam. 


How do I study for the Kaplan Nursing Entrance Exam?
Most students need 8-12 weeks to prepare for the Kaplan Nursing Exam.

If you've recently completed your prerequisites, you might need just 4-6 weeks of study to prepare for the exam. If it's been over a year since you finished your prerequisites, plan for 2-3 months of study. For those who haven't taken a college-level class in several years, 4-5 months of preparation is advisable. This approach will not only ensure you're ready for the entrance exam but also set you up for success in your first semester. 

You do not need to plan on spending hours per day studying and cramming. That is not recommended and is not an effective study strategy. Instead, get a reliable Kaplan Nursing Online Course and plan to study no more than 6-8 hours a week. Using an online course makes studying simple and more interactive, resulting in a better learning experience and higher chances of retaining the information. 

Don't waste time and energy trying to source dozens of different materials or memorizing questions. 

Where do I begin my studying for the Kaplan Nursing Entrance Exam?
Begin with a practice test, get a credible study resources, and create a realistic plan.

The ideal starting point for preparing for the Kaplan exam is to take a free Kaplan Nursing Entrance Exam Practice test for each section. This initial step is highly recommended because it provides a realistic experience of the test, helping to alleviate anxiety. Additionally, it highlights your strengths and weaknesses, giving you a clear foundation for your study plan. 

Once you have an idea of your initial scores, you can invest in credible study resources. Quizlet is not a credible resource, and plenty of students in our free Kaplan Study Group will tell you that they studied Quizlet and failed, with many students applying to programs with no retakes. Don't put yourself in that position! 

You can get the Kaplan Online Study Course and get everything you need to study in one place to make it easy.  

Once you've taken your practice test and gotten a study resource, you want to review your initial scores, decide what concepts from each test section you need to review, and plan to use the lesson on that topic within the course to study. List out all the topics you got a 60% or lower in, and list out the topics you got a 61% or better in. This will give you an idea of where to begin your studying. 

Can I use a calculator?
Yes, a 4-function calculator is allowed!

In the math section, you will be able to use a 4-function basic calculator. Please check with your school first to confirm if one will be provided to you on the screen or if they will provide you with an approved calculator. Most testing centers do not allow you to bring your own. 

How many questions are on the Kaplan Nursing Entrance Exam? Is it timed?
There are 91 questions on the Kaplan Nursing Entrance Exam.

The entire Kaplan Nursing Entrance Exam has 91 questions. The reading section has 22 questions, the writing section has 21 questions, the math section has 28 questions, and the science section has 20 questions.  

What score do I need to pass the Kaplan Entrance Exam?
Most students require at least a 70% to pass the Kaplan Nursing Entrance Exam.

The average minimum required score for most programs is 70%. However, that is the average, and your program may require a lower or higher score, so it is best to check the admissions portion of the program's website for their requirements. If it is not listed, call or email for a clear answer. 

Meeting the minimum score is not always guaranteed that you will be accepted. Sometimes, you can end up being waitlisted or rejected. It is best to try to score at least 5 to 10 points higher than the minimum required score for a higher likelihood of being accepted, and it is always a good idea to apply to multiple programs. 

Are the practice questions the same questions as on the real test?
Our practice test questions are similar, but not identical to the real exam.

Our Kaplan Nursing Entrance Exam practice tests are very similar and designed to give you a very realistic expectation of what the test will be like and how the questions will be formatted. Studying and memorizing practice questions is not recommended because there are several versions of the exam, and the exam is always changing. 

Focus on taking realistic practice tests as a guide to help you determine what you need to study and focus on before the real exam and gauge how ready you are for it. 

What are the common mistakes students make when studying for the Kaplan Nursing Entrance Exam?
These common mistakes can cause you to fail your test or get rejected from your program!

The most common mistakes we see mentioned in our Kaplan Study Group are: 

  1. Using Quizlets 
  2. Not studying for the Writing section 
  3. Not practicing using a 4-function calculator 
  4. Not applying to multiple programs 

The most common mistake would be trusting Quizlet as a quality resource. Dozens of students every month say they only used Quizlet, they memorized the material, and on test day, not a single one of the questions or concepts was on the real test, and they failed.

Most of the time, the school allows one retake, and the student won't have time to retake it in time with the mandatory waiting period and the deadline. Do not trust Quizlet! Anyone, anywhere, with an email can make a random Quizlet.

Your future depends on it, and you're paying money to take this test, use credible resources, and set yourself up for success! 

Take a sneak peek inside the
Kaplan Nursing Entrance Exam course​

Course Content

Section I Writing
Section II Mathematics
Section III Reading
Section IV Science
Lesson Content
0% Complete 0/1 Steps
Section V Full-Length Practice Exams
Section VI Flashcards
Practice Question Bank by Topic

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